
Exhibition Identity

An exhibition identity proposal for SFSU School of Design's annual senior show which transforms DesignSpace into a gallery to showcase and celebrate the work of graduating design students.


A visual representation of the current state of the world at the time of its conception. The past couple of years had felt like a series of ups and downs, oscillating between periods of uneasiness and uncertainty, followed by moments of hope and optimism. The concept of momentum represents the idea of using moments of positivity, hope, and enthusiasm to press forward through times of challenge and adversity. The exhibition is an opportunity to showcase the design work and to celebrate the creative momentum that the 2022 graduating seniors have gained throughout their time at SFSU as they carry on into the design industry.

The custom logotype consists of a continuous line to convey forward motion and continuity. The oscillating line represents the peaks and valleys of life. Finally, a gradual increase in line weight conveys strength along with a gradual forward slant to convey speed.

An extension of the theme through social media posts to promote the upcoming 2022 Senior Show and encourage student engagement.


(Draft) The Crystal Goblet